In Mozambique

This is a selection of the material relating to Ruth's time in Mozambique. As her mode of research changed in this period, there is less of her own writing here and more project work that she directed or collaborated in. Here you can explore English and Portuguese reports from the Centro de Estudos Africanos, including the famous Mozambican Miner and related documents.

Type Title
Other item Problemas de transformação rural na província da Gaza

A report produced by the CEA in 1979. Portuguese language. This copy was given to the Ruth First Papers project by Colin Darch.

Other item Organizar os Trabalhadores das Machambas Estatais: O Caso da C.A.I.A

A report produced by the CEA in 1983. Portuguese language. This copy was given to the Ruth First Papers project by Colin Darch.

Other item The Mozambican Miner: A study in the export of labour

Marc Wuyts' copy of the Mozambican Miner report. A report on Mozambican miners produced by the Centro de Estudos Africanos at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, 1977.

Other item Note from Ruth First to Alpheus Manghezi

A note left for Alpheus by Ruth First, arranging their first meeting in Maputo in 1978.

Other item Trabalho forçado e cultura obrigatória do algodão: O colonato do Limpopo e reassentamento pós-independência c. 1895-1981

A book of interviews and workers' songs collected by Alpheus Manghezi as part of the research for the Mozambican Miner, published by the CEA in 2003. Portuguese language.

Other item O Mineiro Moçambicano: Um estudo sobre a exportaçāo de māo de obra

A report on Mozambican miners produced by the Centro de Estudos Africanos at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, 1977.


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