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Letter to Alpheus Manghezi from Bento Sitoe Letter with a poem, given to Alpheus Manghezi by Bento Sitoe in September 1982, shortly after Ruth First's assassination. |
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Cotton Production in Mozambique: A Survey 1936-1979 A report produced by the CEA in 1981. English language. This copy was given to the Ruth First Papers project by Colin Darch. |
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The Mozambican Miner: A study in the export of labour Marc Wuyts' copy of the Mozambican Miner report. A report on Mozambican miners produced by the Centro de Estudos Africanos at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, 1977. |
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Mandela's address on the tenth anniversary of Ruth First's assassination, 17 August 1992 A public meeting to mark ten years since Ruth's assassination, with Nelson Mandela, Joe Slovo, Shawn and Robyn Slovo, Oliver Tambo, Govan Mbeki and others. Recorded by Don Pinnock. |
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Note from Ruth First to Alpheus Manghezi A note left for Alpheus by Ruth First, arranging their first meeting in Maputo in 1978. |
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Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/2: 1948 Ruth First's scrapbook of newspaper cuttings from 1948. Many articles are unauthored. |
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Interview with Alpheus Manghezi An interview conducted by Vanessa Rockel in 2012 with Alpheus Manghezi. Part of a series carried out at the Institute of Commonweath Studies as part of the Ruth First Papers project. |
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Libya: The Elusive Revolution 'By God I am confused'. exclaimed Colonel Gadafi at one Libyan popular conference. Where Libya is concerned, who isn't? |
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RF/2/21/9: Letter to Odeh Aburdene, Tufts University A letter from Ruth First to Odeh Aburdene at Tufts University, requesting his research on oil in Libya. |
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RF/2/21/10: Answers to questions submitted by Ruth First to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Tripoli, Friday 2 July 1971 A document with typewritten anwers to questions that Ruth First submitted to Gaddafi in July 1971, with annotations and notes. |