Institute of Commonwealth Studies Library

Type Title
Other item Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/2: 1948

Ruth First's scrapbook of newspaper cuttings from 1948. Many articles are unauthored.

Other item RF/2/21/9: Letter to Neil Middleton, Penguin Books

A letter from Ruth First to Neil Middleton at Penguin books, confirming the outline and structure of Libya: the Elusive Revolution.

Other item Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/1: 1949-50

Ruth First's scrapbook of newspaper cuttings from 1949 to 1950. Many articles are unauthored.

Other item Libya: The Elusive Revolution

'By God I am confused'. exclaimed Colonel Gadafi at one Libyan popular conference. Where Libya is concerned, who isn't?

Other item Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/4: 1947-8

Ruth First's scrapbook of newspaper cuttings from 1947 to 1948. Many articles are unauthored.

Other item RF/2/21/10: Answers to questions submitted by Ruth First to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Tripoli, Friday 2 July 1971

A document with typewritten anwers to questions that Ruth First submitted to Gaddafi in July 1971, with annotations and notes.

Other item Ruth First with Winnie Mandela

An undated photograph of Ruth First with Winnie Mandela.

Other item The Barrel of a Gun: Political Power in Africa and the Coup d'État

In this powerful and concentrated exam­ ination of army interventions in African politics, Ruth First produces a general theory of power for independent states which goes a long way towards explain

Other item Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/3: 1948-9

Ruth First's scrapbook of newspaper cuttings from 1948 to 1949. Many articles are unauthored.

Other item RF/2/21/9: Letter to Odeh Aburdene, Tufts University

A letter from Ruth First to Odeh Aburdene at Tufts University, requesting his research on oil in Libya.


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